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Pages: 1 2
Super trip warning.
Tommi that wouldn't be the middle finger in your signature would it..........Cool
(2009.Jun.28 09:50 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]Geez I need to make a weapon called "North Korea" thanks to this poll.

I hope you are planning something because the natives are getting restless............They want something exciting to pique their curiousity......
(2009.Jun.29 01:14 AM)hardasgranite Wrote: [ -> ]the natives

That's how you call yourself nowadays?
Wraith thinks hes staff since hes a mod...kinda sad
(2009.Jun.29 08:46 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]Wraith thinks hes staff since hes a mod...kinda sad

Could be worst.

He could think he's hot.


(2009.Jun.28 09:50 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]Geez I need to make a weapon called "North Korea" thanks to this poll.
yeppers, it has to be nuclear powered thoughEek
i have had both and the ionized nadachi is better, but as stated before you have to have the stats for it
(2009.Jun.29 01:14 AM)hardasgranite Wrote: [ -> ]Tommi that wouldn't be the middle finger in your signature would it..........Cool

Why, yes it is. And it's all for you. Wink

As for this, dunno. Haven't tried anything else since I got that Shogunate.
Thanks for all you opinions............!

Tommi, you must stop clouds your judgement.......Dingus, I love you exactly as you are............
(2009.Jun.28 09:57 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ][Image: de305d50d52e579ca73c389.gif]

It remind me of the Candyland.

And, wraith, the Ionized Nodachi is a notch up from the Diss blade.
Pages: 1 2
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