(2009.Jun.20 01:33 PM)InsaneAllegri Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Jun.19 08:32 PM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]its sooo easy to point fingers sayin oh u should get this for this reason or w/e. anyone sayin they wouldnt use a poop load of free credits isnt honest, they're stupid. even knowing id get in trouble id have used them. if someone shows up at ur door saying "hey i got u this porshe for u, its a gift have fun." if u dont hop in and light ur street up then ur a moron and u should be kicked in the nuts! that said, this isnt really anyones business, is it?
If someone came to my house and gave me the keys to a free Porsche I would call the cops, and go nowhere near the car for fear of finger prints.
(2009.Jun.19 11:28 PM)randomjacker Wrote: [ -> ]you all are so F'n bored you would push and push to get people fed jailed for having a little fun they knew would be noticed????
so now you have the power to over ride the admins choices.... well good for you!
You got a really big mouth for an adult who sits in front of a computer all day.
You over achiever you!
Yes I do work on computers all day... much better than the construction I did for so many years... I am glad you can recognize my achievements...
must be easy to see when you're looking up all the time
Hows that Atari 800 coming along?
Way to argue with a player that doesn't even play the game anymore RJ!!! Can't wait to see the outcome there!!!
As far as me being an asshole, cheers bud! I take the time that I spend doing things pretty seriously. Be it work, travel, music, game play or social relations, I do my best not to waste my time, or in most cases money.
When my efforts, investments and allocation of time are compromised or trivialized by a series of actions blatantly breaking the rules that create the parameters of one's growth, I will surely react in a fashion that is commensurate to the situation.
So again Foley, Cheers! I hope your desire to fit in and your lack of comprehension skills gets you far in life. They sure works wonders here.
(2009.Jun.23 07:29 AM)Marlo Wrote: [ -> ]Way to argue with a player that doesn't even play the game anymore RJ!!! Can't wait to see the outcome there!!!
As far as me being an icehole, cheers bud! I take the time that I spend doing things pretty seriously. Be it work, travel, music, game play or social relations, I do my best not to waste my time, or in most cases money.
When my efforts, investments and allocation of time are compromised or trivialized by a series of actions blatantly breaking the rules that create the parameters of one's growth, I will surely react in a fashion that is commensurate to the situation.
So again Foley, Cheers! I hope your desire to fit in and your lack of comprehension skills gets you far in life. They sure works wonders here.
Please read carefully next time marlo... I was praising him... Further He was only off 2 days. I just figure he is lazy, or not much into the game.
(2009.Jun.22 06:20 PM)ShadowKid Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Jun.20 09:21 AM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]why would anyone play a game like this if they truly felt the admin is favoring one player over another? i know i'd quit today if i thought that was true...
Ive been here longer then you here so there......
Wait im on RJ's side screw you fraggers.
you've been here longer than i have so there i have longer have been here.
lol seems to me, alot of people are just jealous because they didnt get any credits

Seems to me that a lot of players complaining here have never had an issue getting as many credits as they wanted. Ever.