really he is no where to be found on ym trainers list
I noticed that too.

LOL Now he is there.
got an extra 5 points!!!!! wooooo
Nothing that can't be fixed in the blink of an eye.... Thanks Err

I got a train of 223...........better than
oh yeah, love me some arnold....ty zen and err
Thanks Zen and Err. Arnold tends to give me the good roids when he comes to town.

TY the admins! A days like this always pump me up for more training.
But...Since I am powerleveling, I won't be having any personal session with Arnold.
(2009.Jun.18 08:17 AM)ZeonOne Wrote: [ -> ]TY the admins! A days like this always pump me up for more training.
But...Since I am powerleveling, I won't be having any personal session with Arnold.
you and me both!