(2009.Jun.18 11:39 AM)killer012000 Wrote: [ -> ]how come I'm not catching people then with only 1100 people online???
Because you're comparing yourself to active players. There are 1100 active players, many of whom are as active or more than you.
i had just decided to start training dexterity last night and since about 12 hours ago i have passed 23 ppl in dex alone. im gonna be training for a while so lets see how many more i can pass

I finally get what killer was saying. He's not passing other in stats.
You have to work on your training technique. It will make a big different.
Maybe it's not AL, maybe it's the players playing AL that are the issue??????????????lol
naw im passing people in stats but when i attack people and lose
(2009.Jun.18 12:38 PM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Jun.18 12:34 PM)Weebay Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe it's not AL, maybe it's the players playing AL that are the issue??????????????lol
I blame it on Weebay!
Cool, glad I'm not the only one!