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Full Version: What has happened to AL.
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(2009.Jun.17 10:57 AM)Batman Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Jun.17 10:50 AM)buuddha Wrote: [ -> ]hahahahaaha. your so funny deathwing.

He is funny....your not....


And you are definatly are not, have never been and never will be.

The real -B-
I see three problems
New war system is extremally boring.
Hospitalization wars arent so fun un as used to be to becouse of hospitalization bonus. Its not fun when you cant hospitalize players near your power and you have to attck much weaker players.
Third problem is huge diference between new and old players. When I joined game i was able to caught up to top players quite quickly even with out dontions. Now that would be imposile even for huge donator. Im sure that can be dmotivating for new and average players.
(2009.Jun.17 11:48 AM)Rafallol Wrote: [ -> ]I see three problems
New war system is extremally boring.
Hospitalization wars arent so fun un as used to be to becouse of hospitalization bonus. Its not fun when you cant hospitalize players near your power and you have to attck much weaker players.
Third problem is huge diference between new and old players. When I joined game i was able to caught up to top players quite quickly even with out dontions. Now that would be imposile even for huge donator. Im sure that can be dmotivating for new and average players.

Any suggestion as to how to resolve this issue? How did other game do it?
(2009.Jun.17 11:48 AM)Rafallol Wrote: [ -> ]I see three problems
New war system is extremally boring.

so.....Conrad was right from the beginning. thats why we didnt war much from the beginning. a waste of AP to go throw rocks at a fort. at least she added the gang battle feature to improve it somewhat.
Opponent Damage Dealt Damage Received Gang Points Winner
Dissidence 8129 8155 98 Dissidence Summary

we'll take it.
This post has been edited ~Jola~
My suggestion to allow the game to grow is limited ownership by those who wish to see it prosper.......

Zen and Err might allow interested parties to invest and hence have a say in the creative direction the game might go......... Consensus may give a fresh insight to the future.............


(2009.Jun.17 11:48 AM)Rafallol Wrote: [ -> ]Third problem is huge diference between new and old players. When I joined game i was able to caught up to top players quite quickly even with out dontions. Now that would be imposile even for huge donator. Im sure that can be dmotivating for new and average players.

AL has reached 32474 on the ID numbers.

But only has 1105 active members, with around 100 of those on their way to being inactive.



how come I'm not catching people then with only 1100 people online???
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