2009.Jun.02, 02:19 PM
Hey, doods. Don't sound SO thankful when I, or someone else, busts your sorry ass out of jail. People could just let you sit there, but there are people like me that hate criming and would rather be NICE and bust all the people out we can.
When someone busts me out, I send a thank you, but I also put that thank you in the body of the message and make it seem more cheerful than the crappy title, no body, "thanks". When I read that all I see is someone going "yeah whatever" and you can bet that next time you can rot.
Maybe I'm being a big ol pms'er, but this has been bother me for months. It doesn't hurt to show some emotion, guys. I wasted my ap on your ass, the least you can do is show some enthusiasm.
On another note, I bet many of you are thinking OH YEAH, well we can be turds and not even include a thanks! Yeah, you could do that, but with the same conclusion and maybe a hosp, if I can, if one isn't given.
When someone busts me out, I send a thank you, but I also put that thank you in the body of the message and make it seem more cheerful than the crappy title, no body, "thanks". When I read that all I see is someone going "yeah whatever" and you can bet that next time you can rot.
Maybe I'm being a big ol pms'er, but this has been bother me for months. It doesn't hurt to show some emotion, guys. I wasted my ap on your ass, the least you can do is show some enthusiasm.

On another note, I bet many of you are thinking OH YEAH, well we can be turds and not even include a thanks! Yeah, you could do that, but with the same conclusion and maybe a hosp, if I can, if one isn't given.