5759 SP^CE Howly 54 2375 Caught attacking Enrico Balazar Bust
This is actually quite a breaking news. Howly stalemate Enrico Balazar?!
Enrico must have gotten a nice buff in stats.
(2009.Jun.01 11:40 AM)ZeonOne Wrote: [ -> ]Enrico must have gotten a nice buff in stats.
That's means Howl beats Loki at jail minutes
Loki have only 2043
March 24, 2008 First to fight The Horvath and stalemate (and get 2,043 jail minutes).
and Howl gets 2375...
Maybe she was in fair condition when she attacked.
Nope. But she deserves a tag for this!!
Umm I attacked him by mistake with the lvl 60 axe instead of my shotty.... fn default settings.

(2009.Jun.01 11:44 AM)nathanket Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe she was in fair condition when she attacked.
Maybe that makes no sense.
lol, i thought i was the only one not gettin it.