2009.Jun.03, 06:31 AM
2009.Jun.06, 12:40 AM
(2009.Jun.03 06:31 AM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]just ask zen....i think i might have the top time though....if i remember correctly i was around 3k...but zen could clear it up for us
I know it isnt me... lol n00bs....

2009.Jun.06, 07:10 AM
it's okay howl we all make thoughs mistak. 

2009.Jun.06, 03:33 PM
(2009.Jun.06 07:10 AM)blackjack907 Wrote: [ -> ]it's okay howl we all make thoughs mistak.
I REALLY hope that this was done for irony's sake...
2009.Jun.07, 09:09 PM
Lol from what ive heard talking with friends on Aim. LOKI AND VerboseCollegeKid both ran AL and were thestrongest players and from what i see NOW they are up with the top ranking stats not first BUT look at their inactivitiness did it take yall that long to surpass them??? THEY MUSTVE BEEN LEGENDS!!! 
( oh and i got a jail time of like 150 min b4! but i guess that doesnt matter cuz all you big lvls get like 2000min+ in jail NUBZ. . . . jkin)

( oh and i got a jail time of like 150 min b4! but i guess that doesnt matter cuz all you big lvls get like 2000min+ in jail NUBZ. . . . jkin)