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Full Version: who do you guys think will win?
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i actully think punsher.
not sure but sure it will not be me.... but soon I will seperate the men for the boys... if they wanna play it will cost a good portion of real cash...


yeah, i dowt that i'll come in the top 50.
well im watching
most attacks is a tricky question.
i see a lot of people just sky rocketed in a few minutes so i will assume refreshes either with creds or Easter eggs and for non donators that's even harder
i have an idea as to who'll get the level medal though
lol im just bored...good luck to all...
here comes the ewok
like battle of endor or return of the jedi?
i think abishop will win a tag. im certain he would have without the hosps...probably still will.

spacebird would win it all if it werent for that Ryan guy, currently in first place. so....i guess i go with Ryan (no homo). it will get interesting tonight.
isnt this more fun now
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