obviously its easier to complain and whine about things
or you could look at MY post and read, rather than dismiss it as whine. either pay attention or dont say crap like that
there needs to be a seperate forum for people to complain about threads cause im tired of reading threads with nothing but sniveling in them
sorry didnt get as far as your post i read as far as some of badmanbrens and then posted what i did
i'm tired of people who piss and moan about other players' ideas but dont take the time to actually read them.
Jetli, if you'd read my posts you'd notice that the thread is actually in the wrong forum, so whine I shall. You two telling of how you're tired of whiners was a 1st class ticket to whiner ville. Enjoy the stay. Also, read, I wasn't moaning about the idea, I was moaning about where the idea was placed. I still dislike the idea however.
so many cry babies , please get back on topic, if you all want to whine keep it to yourselves, the idea has its good and bad points, with a lil fine tuning it could work
(2009.May.13 07:19 PM)shadowinc Wrote: [ -> ]so many cry babies , please get back on topic, if you all want to whine keep it to yourselves, the idea has its good and bad points, with a lil fine tuning it could work
the judge has made his ruling
proceed with caution cry babies (or so called cry babies)
you could be held in contempt
i still see no comments on my mathcraft. anyone care to read it?
I made a comment, but you missed it.

(2009.May.13 08:00 PM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]i still see no comments on my mathcraft. anyone care to read it?
for ap regen are you using donor or non donor?