2009.May.13, 08:16 AM
2009.May.13, 08:21 AM
Its an interesting thought, but with such small gains, would it even be worth it.
2009.May.13, 08:25 AM
I see the benefit. Your not making $ with your AP by attacking a fort like you would with crimes, and your not gaining xp like you would with jail busts and crimes. So sometimes you spend all your ap, lose the war, and gained nothing. Guess you could say thats part of the game though, everything has a risk/reward ratio.
2009.May.13, 09:09 AM
I agree, makes it much more annoying to of lost a war knowing you gained nothing at all. So I'd keep it as it is, let people get worked up!
2009.May.13, 09:17 AM
Yeah, let them get worked up and war some more! With nothing gained, except maybe gang points...
2009.May.13, 09:18 AM
Game & Forum Feedback
Having a problem with the forums? Have a suggestion about the site? Post here! Report spam, misplaced posts and forum guideline violations in this thread.
I dunno whether this means ideas but I'm guessing so. Since I've come back there's been a lot of ideas, which I really don't wanna see. So could there be like an idea thread stickied if General Discussion is the place for ideas? It's very annoying seeing loads of ideas, specially sh*t ones.
Having a problem with the forums? Have a suggestion about the site? Post here! Report spam, misplaced posts and forum guideline violations in this thread.
I dunno whether this means ideas but I'm guessing so. Since I've come back there's been a lot of ideas, which I really don't wanna see. So could there be like an idea thread stickied if General Discussion is the place for ideas? It's very annoying seeing loads of ideas, specially sh*t ones.
2009.May.13, 10:25 AM
i've seen 3 new idea threads in the last couple days. is it really so hard for you to just look over them if they're bothering you?
2009.May.13, 11:39 AM
(2009.May.13 10:25 AM)catalyst Wrote: [ -> ]i've seen 3 new idea threads in the last couple days. is really so hard for you to just look over them if they're bothering you?
+1..there is the neat little feature called mark forums read. But i do agree that it should be in the Game & Forum Feedback section.
2009.May.13, 11:56 AM
yeah but no one reads them there.....

2009.May.13, 12:25 PM
(2009.May.13 11:56 AM)Howlsong Wrote: [ -> ]yeah but no one reads them there.....
That's the reason the forum was made. For n00bs to post silly ideas in and get looked over. And no it's not hard for me to look over them, is it hard to post in the right forum?