I actually think the different banner at the top for each district isn't a bad idea. If done tastefully it could be another way of saving you a click or scrolling on your phone to find out what location you are in. It would probably cause a little slowdown on a phone if the image wasn't in cache however, and a lot of phone browsers have pathetic cache sizes.
I've played other games w/ graphics on my cell, it doesn't seem make much of a difference(and I have an old cell phone). As long as the changes don't cause any lag I'm for it, even though it doesn't really enhance gameplay.
If you use Opera mini and the auto zoom in option, you don't see banners at the top and if not, then it loads any images very quickly anyway. Shouldn't be much of a problem.
(2009.May.11 04:35 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]I actually think the different banner at the top for each district isn't a bad idea. If done tastefully it could be another way of saving you a click or scrolling on your phone to find out what location you are in. It would probably cause a little slowdown on a phone if the image wasn't in cache however, and a lot of phone browsers have pathetic cache sizes.
Thats a good idea. I dunno about anyone else but when i've been district hopping i'm constantly getting lost.

lol there's a cpl times i've had to look at myself to find out where the heck i've ended up.

LOL...Glad I'm not the only one.....
(2009.May.11 09:21 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.May.10 07:49 AM)TheMace Wrote: [ -> ]I think all the pics of Likewoah brighten the place up 
Upon further review LikeWhoa is not of asian descent. Turns out he is just really, really stoned...alot......