what about a rule to make this fun for all involved!!!! lvl 20 and below can not be attacked by the bigger guys, not wanting to get bored during this want to participate
(2009.Apr.24 05:12 PM)shadowlinger Wrote: [ -> ]count us in 

so far....its just SWers and Rage - officially.
If anyone needs a ringer just let me know

ringer, ringers what ever...
I am game to lend a hand if it's not against the rules
i didnt want to speak for u... I really hate when ppl volunteer me for stuff and tell me after.

if we can get some sort of rules goin im sure more gangs will step up. i like the idea of higher lvls not hitting lower lvls. that will keep it going longer.
maybe a lvl cap for entering?
maybe instead of making it the most stubborn player wins (as somebody said lol) make it a week long or 2 weeks long. most leave attacks done in that time period gets points. if its online you get xx points, offline its x points.
you can only attack people within 5 or 8 lvls within your lvl.
hosp gets you kicked from comp, unless stems are sent.
no outside hired hits.
this is just stuff poppin in my head. what do you all think?
(2009.Apr.24 08:14 PM)g2o2d4wp Wrote: [ -> ]what about 3 man gangs?
uh hhmmmm