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Full Version: WE need BEER
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I like beer, it makes me a jolly good fellow.
I like beer, sometimes it make me feel mellow.

Whiskey's too rough, Champagne costs too much.
Vodka puts my mouth in gear,

This little refrain, should help me explain,
As a matter of fact I LOVE Beer!!
(2009.May.01 12:08 PM)Howlsong Wrote: [ -> ]I like beer, it makes me a jolly good fellow.
I like beer, sometimes it make me feel mellow.

Whiskey's too rough, Champagne costs too much.
Vodka puts my mouth in gear,

This little refrain, should help me explain,
As a matter of fact I LOVE Beer!!

Of course, the 50 and the 1664.
Beer Goggles would be nice as new unique prize gear.

Could give you like, the chance to turn your AL to a color setting only you would have access to.
Oh, and I like this one now

[Image: DSC00012+copy.JPG]
Well first, get that brown off your nose.
Pages: 1 2 3 4
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