(2009.Apr.15 08:35 PM)thatthingufear Wrote: [ -> ]Jaysin you are a gang hopper.
Hop that *****
You pound CrazyFoley to a bloody pulp. When you are satisfied at the pool of blood laying at your feet, you slip off into the shadows.
Experience Earned : Hospitalizations do not earn experience.
Hospitalization Time : 148
Emo your next........
bust me first lol

17348 PC FATAL1TY 39 230 Tried to bust out of jail.
i didnt mean to actually try, duh
Jaysin. Wow. Didn't you admit you were a gang hopper a while ago?
(2009.Apr.15 08:55 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Jaysin. Wow. Didn't you admit you were a gang hopper a while ago?
No, infact its all the people that call me a gang hopper that make me grow stronger and strive to kick their teeth in.
yea i have been in most of the big gangs.... but here is alist of gangs i have NEVER been in
Killer Bees
X Pats
Shadows of Light (not officially)
Stargate Command
Fight Club
Any of the BAD family
or any of the other 49058049584 gangs that dont matter
Gangs i have been in.....
Filthy Mafia CliQ
Seven Laws
Assassins Society
and now PC.
oh yea nd Anti P from level 1 -14
I'm waiting for you to 'kick my teeth in.' Hurry up and bust me, then go about with this spectacular ass beating, hopper. You can probably win with a zerk. I don't have a belt, either, so it'll make things that much easier on you.
I do believe you admitted to being a hopper once, though. When it came up that you kept hopping gangs. You know; Like a hopper.
Jaysin Jaysin Jaysin. Now why would you hosp CF for telling the truth?
I haven't hosp'd anyone in a long time. Better hide because I'm coming for you!
this coming from the guy who's old gang was so happy he was gone they threw a party and made a fake tag to show all. lame.
(2009.Apr.15 09:02 PM)JaySin Wrote: [ -> ]Filthy Mafia CliQ
Seven Laws
Assassins Society
and now PC.
oh yea nd Anti P from level 1 -14
1 year and 4 months in the game
9 gangs, according to you
So 1 month and 3 weekish per gang
(2009.Apr.15 09:05 PM)SisterLynx Wrote: [ -> ]Jaysin Jaysin Jaysin. Now why would you hosp CF for telling the truth?
I haven't hosp'd anyone in a long time. Better hide because I'm coming for you!
try it sheman but i do have more friends than this thread is willing to show. and if not friends then cash speaks.