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im sick of them....
this is the official thread to post them all and expose those low life fer for what the are
newest one is super dave
post them all here
i will personally hosp all vills hoppers from now on....they get at least 3 pops from me alone now...this shite has gone on long enough
im fn tired of it
LOL @ Superdave
Is there somewhere he never applied? There are a lof of them around.
I agree with you, enough is enough.
Ok, so here those I know
Edited: Needed to add
best thread ever
keep em coming
might as well create your own gang f heads
nice i made the top of the list..... tho i havent hopped in quite a while

my "hopping" was a mutual decision. barely hopping.
and i might add..... i consider a gang hopper to be someone who joins gangs to benefit from them and then leabes to join a better gang.... and does so repeatedly. yea i been thru a couple gangs but if you notice the gangs i have been in have been either me making my own gang or joining cuz of friends.
I understand your concern Pun. there are a few ppl i know of who i would call hoppers. like a certain couple that joined PC not long ago and then left cuz they couldnt immediatly have options. thats hopping imo.
heres how i see dont join a gang for shizzles.....or to see what you can get from them...i have no respect for members that hop from gang to gang...might as well play solo
I dont ask for house loans or anything. its all my own money. a hopper benefits from a gang
Jaysin you are a gang hopper.
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