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i agree howl, there is so many that whine now about offline attacks, all i do is block them
lol I cant do that they get bigger friends to pick on my babies.... of course the amazing backstepping going on when i show up is somewhat entertaining to watch... hehe Smirk
speaking of the old code..... i remember getting really amped up before a war. i mean, my adrenaline was really going before, during and after a war. its was pretty sic. lots of pre-war planning as well. you def didnt want to f'up, or piss off anyone too bad....or your gang could be ended very quickly. especially if you were just starting out.
(2009.Apr.14 06:54 AM)shadowinc Wrote: [ -> ]i agree howl, there is so many that whine now about offline attacks, all i do is block them

Yes, it sucks logging in and being in the hospital, but its part of the game. I know I've been getting hit quite a bit lately by a couple of people but haven't complained once. If I want a reprieve from the attacks for awhile I'll just move districts.
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