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sounds good, my only request is that any rare items be recirculated through the game so they arent lost...
My full intent was to make old accounts available for attacking, but I would control them instead of the old player.

As for donation-transfers, I don't feel comfortable with a 100% transfer. Perhaps recouping some of the credits used on personal upgrades such as stat gains, energy refreshes, etc is an option, but getting access to all donations converted to cash would definitely have to be accounted for, or the potential for abuse is very high.

Think of a player donating to have his gang upgraded. Then the rebirth. Then joining that gang again and having the benefit of the old donation plus the credits. Not a good scenario.


Very true... if you ask me no % of the credits should be transferred. If you leave a player you leave all that you gave him, if anything he could start with the End and Intell made from credits, but still, I think that seems far fetched.


maybe there could be some sort of "estate house" where people can bid on surrendered items? the extra cash could always be given out in contests.

speaking of contests, it's been a while since there was a "specific stat" training contest, like strength, or accuracy.
That'd be awesome..Auctioning out items and stuff. Also, I wanna participate in one of those contests. =D!!!
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