2006.Dec.08, 11:00 AM
2006.Dec.08, 05:40 PM
One thing tho is that people can never spend down happiness much. i spent down happiness 380points because im going out. when i come back after 4-5hours, i have been to hospital 8-10times and im still on 400happiness out off 700... meaning that happiness went up like 20-30 over a period of 5 hours. and im not among those getting attacked the most...
might aswell just refreshed gym page when going away, doesnt make the big difference. 300less happiness, but my rank in combat efficiency is saved. for a cost of 25credits. not the biggest price to pay if youre worried about that rank.
might aswell just refreshed gym page when going away, doesnt make the big difference. 300less happiness, but my rank in combat efficiency is saved. for a cost of 25credits. not the biggest price to pay if youre worried about that rank.
2006.Dec.08, 06:08 PM
how about adding an option in the hospital to recieve morphine. It would cost $X.XX and be pulled directly out of your bank account if you accept to get it. The morphine drip would increase happyness while in hospital. Then you can add a Rehab area for $X.XX and that will speed up your hospital stay.
2006.Dec.08, 06:10 PM
but why does everything have to cost something? cant something be for free? afterall you get beaten up and have to suffer Happiness wise for it also?
2006.Dec.08, 10:46 PM
Yeah, the worst part is going offline for a couple hours and coming back to find yourself with half hapiness still because you've been a punching bag the whole time. Especially when the higher level players can put you in for 40 minutes just by leaving you lying.
2006.Dec.12, 02:22 PM
Ok, realistic or not... can we PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE reintroduce happiness in hospital? With the way attacks are like at the moment, the ONLY time you rebuild happiness is if you're online! I honestly think if I did a full train and left for 8 hours, I'd come back to sub par happiness!
I've just trained down and left to teach for an hour, I've been gone over an hour and a half. My happiness rebuilt a total of 40 or so in that time.
I've just trained down and left to teach for an hour, I've been gone over an hour and a half. My happiness rebuilt a total of 40 or so in that time.
2006.Dec.12, 02:41 PM
I know, it's completely ridiculous. the only thing this change does is make the game less fun for those people who play often but happen to leave for a few hours at a time dring the day.
2006.Dec.12, 04:52 PM
now that I am REGULARLY in the hospital now, I agree this does SUCK! I mainly play at work inbetween runs or errands I have to run and coming back 2 to 3 hours after last action to my happyness only going up 20 blows. I would perfer to train than attack but the new system almost forces you to attack so that your happyness will max out maybe once or twice a day.

2006.Dec.12, 05:15 PM
The problem is that a lot of people don't have desk jobs were they can refresh every five minutes during the day. After I've trained at the gym, I go offline and do other things, and it sucks to come back on having been in the hospital the whole time.
2006.Dec.12, 05:25 PM
yep, it REALLY does.
I just wandered off for 15 minutes, came back... was gone possibly 20 mins at most. No surprise to be in hospital. Wouldn't ordinarily bother me, but the fact my happiness now doesn't refresh is seriously irritating! I can cope with being killed 50 times a day, but without happiness refreshing, the amount I lose will stop me playing.
I just wandered off for 15 minutes, came back... was gone possibly 20 mins at most. No surprise to be in hospital. Wouldn't ordinarily bother me, but the fact my happiness now doesn't refresh is seriously irritating! I can cope with being killed 50 times a day, but without happiness refreshing, the amount I lose will stop me playing.