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Personally I'd want to take over the gang i'm supposely paying for 1st b4 i'd give anyone a cent of my money, so i dont really understand where the scam comes in. Only a dufus pays for something he hasnt got in his hot lil hands 1st.

Nice thread... do you remember what happened to the lil boy who cried wolf? Rolleyes


(2009.Mar.26 03:12 AM)Howlsong Wrote: [ -> ]Only a dufus pays for something he hasnt got in his hot lil hands 1st.
when was the last time you walked into a store and used an item for a while then paid for it?
you dont get to go borrow your new flat screen for a few days, you pay for it at the Best Buy then take it home and use it.
in business money comes first.


Howl always gets to take it home first and use it - then pay for it, lol - the rest of the world pays for it first because we're all dufus'
(2009.Mar.26 03:31 AM)buuddha Wrote: [ -> ]when was the last time you walked into a store and used an item for a while then paid for it?
you dont get to go borrow your new flat screen for a few days, you pay for it at the Best Buy then take it home and use it.
in business money comes first.

who said anything about taking it home and using it? as Howl was saying, when I go to the store, I have the TV "in my hot little hands" before I get to check out line to pay for it.


But you dont get to leave the store and use it until you pay - having it in your hands? lol- You dont the the title to the car until its paid for - wake up!


(2009.Mar.26 09:10 AM)Eaglefreak Wrote: [ -> ]who said anything about taking it home and using it? as Howl was saying, when I go to the store, I have the TV "in my hot little hands" before I get to check out line to pay for it.

Walmart mentality.

You don't own the TV until it's paid for. It's not "in your hands", you're just helping carry it to the clerk that'll take your money. Ownership has nothing to do with physical possession. It's not yours until it's paid for, whether it's in your hands, in your cart or in your derriere. Once you've paid for it, regardless of its location, the item/TV/gang is yours and you then, and only then, can decide what happens to it.

Regardless how you spin it, it's money first, goods second.


(2009.Mar.26 11:04 AM)Chymere Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Mar.26 09:10 AM)Eaglefreak Wrote: [ -> ]who said anything about taking it home and using it? as Howl was saying, when I go to the store, I have the TV "in my hot little hands" before I get to check out line to pay for it.

Walmart mentality.

You don't own the TV until it's paid for. It's not "in your hands", you're just helping carry it to the clerk that'll take your money. Ownership has nothing to do with physical possession. It's not yours until it's paid for, whether it's in your hands, in your cart or in your derriere. Once you've paid for it, regardless of its location, the item/TV/gang is yours and you then, and only then, can decide what happens to it.

Regardless how you spin it, it's money first, goods second.

And if you steal it ?. i have alot of stolen goods and i didnt pay anything to own these items.


(2009.Mar.26 11:24 AM)ShadowKid Wrote: [ -> ]And if you steal it ?. i have alot of stolen goods and i didnt pay anything to own these items.

RE: Another Potential Scammer - warning!!


I agreed on a price that is all I agreed on. I did not agree to going into his gang putting money and credits into his volt and then going into another gang and then being made president and then being told if I did not do it his way he would come on here and say I was a scammer. IF I wanted to scam perhaps he should ask one of the bad brother’s family who was asking me to take over as president of the gang then I could have just taken it over. And if any one wants to no why I did this or why I did that come and ask me. Thanks for the people who have supported me in this
(2009.Mar.26 06:05 PM)English Wrote: [ -> ]I agreed on a price that is all I agreed on. I did not agree to going into his gang putting money and credits into his volt and then going into another gang and then being made president and then being told if I did not do it his way he would come on here and say I was a scammer. IF I wanted to scam perhaps he should ask one of the bad brother’s family who was asking me to take over as president of the gang then I could have just taken it over. And if any one wants to no why I did this or why I did that come and ask me. Thanks for the people who have supported me in this

yeah you could have taken over the brothers
and you'd have ended up being hosped for the rest of your AL life Twisted
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