Very, someone really weak bit off with me twice giving me over 200, close to 300 exp. Level 32 and I'm 38. System does need some work.
Here's the log. I got 311exp.
Combatants badmanbren Preacher
Level During Fight 38 32
Starting Health 1147 Healthy
Hits 8 4
Best Hit 511 216
Gang Points 0 0
Total Damage Received 690 1,964
Total Damage Resisted 130 8
Total Damage Taken 560 1,956
(2009.Jul.15 04:40 AM)Moriarty Wrote: [ -> ]Im dragging this up again
This morning I logged on to this event
ChiefEagle attacked you and lost - WOW I thought only taken 2.5 years but slowly catching another old schooler
Looked at details of the fight
Exp gained 109. - HUH
SO my reward for persistant playing and slowly catching someone that has been more powerful than me for 2 years is 109 EXP points
System is flawed.
In many other games that I play people have used Defense xp as a way to exploit the leveling system. This is actually not uncommon to see a text based MMO that has the defense XP offense XP on different scales.
On that note, I believe that the XP system in general needs tweaking pretty badly.
I think everything is perfect!
(2009.Jul.15 06:25 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]I think everything is perfect!

Im more than aware of the exploits and why it was tweaked, however if its tweaked too much then I dont see any reason why not to flag it up. Back in the day a successful defense would have earned you 450 points. to go from that to 109 is a little galling especially since its the first time ive won over this player.
When you succeed at a new crime you get good exp then as you succeed you get less and less, this is understandable. Why other parts of the game cant reflect this im unsure. First time you overwhelm someone, great exp, more it happens, then the less you get.
To highlight the inconsistancy of the current points gain I was also attacked by ThorMonteson and won 75 points (first overpower) yet spacebird has been overpowered by me about a dozen times over the last few weeks as I think he uses me as a benchmark for how strong he is getting. last win 365 points. figure that one out. It baffles me.
oh and Dingus. Love you
you gotta get more for attacking. your using your energy up so the benifits need to be better.
exp gain for when you attack seems fine, you just got to find someone your own power level or above.
stop picking on pussies then bully!
i agree with moriarty..and even delpot's first post. i have preached the same thing before but seems to go unnoticed. i think AL is afraid to admit that i am right about everything.
(2009.Jul.15 07:36 AM)Moriarty Wrote: [ -> ]Im more than aware of the exploits and why it was tweaked, however if its tweaked too much then I dont see any reason why not to flag it up. Back in the day a successful defense would have earned you 450 points. to go from that to 109 is a little galling especially since its the first time ive won over this player.
When you succeed at a new crime you get good exp then as you succeed you get less and less, this is understandable. Why other parts of the game cant reflect this im unsure. First time you overwhelm someone, great exp, more it happens, then the less you get.
To highlight the inconsistancy of the current points gain I was also attacked by ThorMonteson and won 75 points (first overpower) yet spacebird has been overpowered by me about a dozen times over the last few weeks as I think he uses me as a benchmark for how strong he is getting. last win 365 points. figure that one out. It baffles me.
oh and Dingus. Love you
i agree with moriarty (except for loving dingus) something is kinda screwy with the points gained in an overpowering. one time (and the only time) i overpowered ronin i got 450+/- exp... he was in fair condition. other times i have overpowered someone sort of close to his strength, i'd get 150+/- points with the opponent in healthy. really makes no sense. probably not the best example but an example nonetheless. and moriarty, isn't it time you try to level a little and forget about the gym page???