good point buuddha, i guess triad wins
buuddha Wrote:yes, crunchy is a troll but he at least does it with some intelligence.
triad just makes stuff up and b*tches left and right. he is also a known scammer.
not even close
I so concur....When I read it, it was hard to keep from laughing.
I agree with Buuddha, Crunchy is much more entertaining
So, when does Triad gets his tag?
you better not give me that award or iam quiting! lol (oh s*it i forgot i cant quit, i already tryed that 5 times DOH!)..
-triad walks off and whins to himself lol
all i wanted to know was why we didnt get the endurance day but it blew outta proportion...
oh well, thats AL for u i guess
that's just wrong. :shock:
Did anyone mention the power whine about wars...
So now people whine about pillow fights? HS! remember when people whined about the real PvP wars and zen completely recoded and gave you all pillow fight wars...
people who bitch about the pillow fights should be driven from the game..
But that's just my opinion!
you puffs are allowed to have yours

zenith Wrote:This isn't new, just complaints being expressed in public instead of private mail now. 
I thought our convos were private!
He should tie his -uh hmmn- to a rope and jump from a tree....