I've always wonderd why we can't equip 2 weapons from the same class. I am an axe user but at least at the moment i wouldn't mind being able to also equip a long blade for fun.
Post your toghts here and please stay on topic.
I toght I taw a puddy cat
you did... you did taw a puddy tat.
Sorry Deathwing... but seriously just click on items and change it. its 4 clicks, not that hard
Maybe he wants a primary weapon and a secondary weapon but then again we do have that lol.
he means dual wield. i.e. have a blade and an axe equipped for one fight. would be interesting if you could have either a stronger armor or shielding vs dual wielding. dual wielding gives 2 times the attacks, heavier armor gives bonus resistance or a chance to block. hmm!
abysmalpoptart Wrote:he means dual wield. i.e. have a blade and an axe equipped for one fight. would be interesting if you could have either a stronger armor or shielding vs dual wielding. dual wielding gives 2 times the attacks, heavier armor gives bonus resistance or a chance to block. hmm!
poptart got it right

sorry i wasn't to exact but i was on my phone and that makes forum posting a real drag
well in all honesty,,,they have dual ranged weapons,,,so why not a dual melee...still tho a axe in your strong hand and a longblade in your weak hand,,,almost wouldnt be worth it...pick up any sword and only use it in your weak hand,,,doubt you will inflict alot of damage
Dicoate Titanium Kama (Dual)
Item Type Melee Weapon (Short-Bladed Melee)
I made a mention of this idea when I was younger in the game..Went downhill quick.