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Full Version: Disgrace to the AL community
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lmao funny pic.

Nope, I am here F O R E V E R.
I think Ush does a fine job as a MOD. Not anyone's problem that you just like to ride on the Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahmbulance.

ETA: I still <3 you though, baddie. Wink


Knock it off-USH


DustiWoot Wrote:I think Ush does a fine job as a MOD. Not anyone's problem that you just like to ride on the Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahmbulance.

You know dusti, if you paid more attention to the way Ush mods you'd understand. It's not that he's a "bad" mod, he's just over modding when he sees something that he doesnt like, aka mod abuse. I've been around enough online games and forums to spot it when it happens, and i call people out for it.


[Image: funny.jpg]
I've been around online games, too. In fact, I've taken classes on how to run business's online. If I thought he was being a dick, I'd call him on it. As far as I'm concerned, it's just a differing of opinions. Smile


Please stay on topic.-USH


reggie043 Wrote:Iz anyone looking to buy an electric axe

Stay on topic FFS, keep your posts out of my thread.


the problem is if something is posted that he doesnt like he just erases opinion is if it doesnt break any rules leave it be,,all the other mods are fine.this looks like a power trip.

and on that note,most of us dosnt agree with ush so all his post should be erased right???ush why are you on this trip,,i dont get it??
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