why when you look on user list is there a player called jack mort aged 1 and his level is NPC and also his duties are NPC thug? if anybody noes please telll me. Thanks
I got seriously butt kicked :shock:
really, lvl 1 and he kicked berry's ass, well I think I'll try him right after I gain my lvl, then I can't lose exp

not lvl 1, he is 1 day old, he is lvl NPC
ya, just realized that. lvl 25 he is.
yeah 25...guess I won't be trying him....
He is going to get bounced in and out of the hospital so much, high lvl people should develop some kinda "take a number and wait" system. Let the refreshing begin!
atm, there aren't too many ppl who can beat him.
Reputation Level: Powerful
Guess he is!