I know its probley been brought up in the past but its a new year for 2009 and i think it would be a good idea to have one?...
it would be good to have a system that borrows it from the gangs vault so you can take it back at anytime from the player so you wouldnt have to worry about it...
There would be a list to show who has what and when they borrowed it..
I like the idea that if iits borrowed you can that it back. In case someone goes inactive and maybe some way that if it is borrowed you cant leave the gang untill its returned.
ive asked for that several times.it would be a good idea.also a good spot to just load up with stims
there is a game some of the AL players know(i will not name it) where players can be part of guilds
there the guilds have something called Armory
the lvl of that building determines how many items can be stored there and it also has an advantage: the items stored there ar locked so an item took by a player from the guild cannot be sold and(i'm not sure about this since i didn;t try it and i won't) i think the items are automaticly returned to the guild in case the player leaves or gets kiked
Lucky666 Wrote:there is a game some of the AL players know(i will not name it) where players can be part of guilds
there the guilds have something called Armory
the lvl of that building determines how many items can be stored there and it also has an advantage: the items stored there ar locked so an item took by a player from the guild cannot be sold and(i'm not sure about this since i didn;t try it and i won't) i think the items are automaticly returned to the guild in case the player leaves or gets kiked
Ahhhh FallenSword
yup good game,alot of us play that one
stalker8929 Wrote:yup good game,alot of us play that one
Its a ok game at best gets a bit stale after a while.
FS is fun but back on topic pleas
It's not fun
ill get on topic when i feel like getting on topic
and deathwing hi

hey SK
and FS is fun