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Full Version: He's gone
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Mock8800 Wrote:God answers prayers.

[Image: prayerkh8.jpg]
Quote:Two hands set in motion can do more than one thousand hands clasped in prayer


Please stop posting just to post. And when you do post, please post on topic. Thank you.

Yet, another off topic post, please stop posting just to post.
Canosoup Wrote:
Quote:Two hands set in motion can do more than one thousand hands clasped in prayer

I agree hands in prayer do nothing. It's the prayers it's self that does the work.

TommiTheTaco Wrote:No.No he doesn't
Yes he does, sometimes the answer is no.


says the guy who posts more pictures than anybody
Mock8800 Wrote:
TommiTheTaco Wrote:No.No he doesn't
Yes he does, sometimes the answer is no.

Or he doesn't.


shadowinc Wrote:then mod the photo s like you did mine when it is off topic, fair is fair, oh i am sorry he is from val he can do whatever he wants

Dude. It's really annoying. You ruin conversations, or threads of actual merit with your arbitrary and meaningless pictures.

Either get a sense of humor and make your posts relevant or funny, or cut it out.
Please back on topic. Don't let people so easily destroy a good thread.


Marlo Wrote:
shadowinc Wrote:then mod the photo s like you did mine when it is off topic, fair is fair, oh i am sorry he is from val he can do whatever he wants

Dude. It's really annoying. You ruin conversations, or threads of actual merit with your arbitrary and meaningless pictures.

Either get a sense of humor and make your posts relevant or funny, or cut it out.

not really just looking for fairness, but as ush said back on topic

traid is gone i have no idea why nor do i care, but whatever he did do it was his choice


Oh well.
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