Nice speech Marlo but in my previous dealings you weren't very friendly
so...i'd have to vote for SG since he's been friendly and helpful since my days as a noob
smoke weed everyday
vote woah for most chill '08
Hello. =D! Where's the party?
lrrltt Wrote:I just do not get it, invest all that money into a game then leave. WTF
You and me Both... :?
Perhaps the well ran dry!
mace quit? thats too bad.
Marlo you got my vote no doubt son....Just stay away from the East Side...i don't want to have to stick Vondas and the Greek on your young a$$ :wink:
More along the lines he didn't have enough time to keep playing.
Mock8800 Wrote:More along the lines he didn't have enough time to keep playing.
I totally understand his reason for leaving. I wish him luck in all his endeavors!

lrrltt Wrote:I just do not get it, invest all that money into a game then leave. WTF
To use an accounting term,
Sunk cost.
Whether or not we quit or play, that money was already spent. We can't get it back, nor does it influence any future decision we's already been done.
yea ice but i think the turn around to that thoery is that there are those of us that would never quit and cant afford to spend a fraction of what you guys sunk into the game... sucks for us to know we are poor and to watch u guys just quit with all that hard work u did... its more of envy than anything else i think