Howlsong Wrote:ppl always die out in december... the bulk come back in feb when they get bored again 
What's funny is that's exactly what happened last year.
zenith Wrote:Howlsong Wrote:ppl always die out in december... the bulk come back in feb when they get bored again 
What's funny is that's exactly what happened last year.
I don't get that humor.
SG, you entitled your post "The Best players" surely if they arrive, play hard, burn out and leave then they arent the best?
I think SG should have said hardcore players not the best.Then again those that play hard have alot of friends maybe thats part of the "best".Who knows.You only get one chance at life and when your young make the most of it.See your kids grow up,visit family,work harder.Spend quality time with the kids.All my kids have seen of me for 5 years is the back of my head.Thats sad :cry:
well now they havnt bro, hope all goes well
Howl called this out just a few days ago. "Wait till december when evreyone gets depressed" I think was said. Ringing true it
Moriarty Wrote:SG, you entitled your post "The Best players" surely if they arrive, play hard, burn out and leave then they arent the best?
maybe so bro, i was just wondering what everybody thought
The best players are the ones who go out of their way to help others, even at the sacrifice of their own account in some way. Pun might be (or assuming he will regain) the top, but I've met few others that go out of their way of their own objectives for the good of everyone else like he has. At the same time, I consider some sub-top 50 players some of the best players in the game too.
Anyone, like myself, can buy a blackberry, train 24/7 (I was gonna be on pace for 135,000 dev points for December), and put in some money to a game via crimes or donations.
it is a shame to see john and mace leave. I notice the both were at level 40 and finished powerleveling. do you think level 40 and 50 is too big of a gap? should we have a 45 and move 2 houses down from the level 50 district?
konyen Wrote:it is a shame to see john and mace leave. I notice the both were at level 40 and finished powerleveling. do you think level 40 and 50 is too big of a gap? should we have a 45 and move 2 houses down from the level 50 district?
Wait! What? john and Mace?
what is this about mace leaving?