It's a lot more fun hospitalizing the active one
sometimes i hosp inactives just so i dont gain any exp
Because they suck, and can't hosp active players.
Steve-o has spoken
DirkDanja Wrote:sometimes i hosp inactives just so i dont gain any exp
I thought you don't gain experience from hospitalizing anyway.
~quote from AL-wiki~
No experience is gained for hospitalizations.
Then again, if you don't want to gain exp then don't attack
Use those EP for something else.
True but since they're inactive then you dont have to worry about them crying over being hosp'd
or just mug lower lvl players :roll:
If they don't say nor feel anything what's the fun?
Some crime families do not allow Hosping of Players. so in order to test your Hosp strength u must test out on inactives... geez guys use your brains not your dunce caps