2008.Nov.15, 12:49 AM
2008.Nov.15, 01:26 AM
MalhutRa Wrote:Just for the sake of discussion - In this other game that I played once, they had this option were you could have a sitter on your account (say if you were going to be away or something and could not log on). So you could assign one or two of you friends from the game as a 'Sitter' on your account. To login, your friend would put in your username and his/her password. That would allow him/her limited access to your account to perform certain actions for you in the game while you were away. To avoid cheating, having a sitter would prevent you from transferring goods/cash from one player to the other (same limits you would have with people with similar IPs).
This game is not a passive game like Tribal Wars... I wouldnt want anyone else fooling around with MY character tbph.

2008.Nov.15, 05:59 AM
No, I'd quit this game in an instant. Do your own work and not let others do it for you.
If, the only reason I get beat, is because 3 people had to beat me instead of one, then why play the game I say. I've been in games like this. They suck. I'm sure there are enough accounts with multiple players logging into them as it is now.
If, the only reason I get beat, is because 3 people had to beat me instead of one, then why play the game I say. I've been in games like this. They suck. I'm sure there are enough accounts with multiple players logging into them as it is now.
2008.Nov.15, 06:06 AM
he's clearly a new player, so cut him a little slack? No need to be outright rude like some are.
I know of games that have account sitters as well, and the main reason for an account sitter is in 'destructive' games, where other people can actively damage your account, and unless you log in daily, or at least every 2/3 days, your account will be ravaged (tribal wars is one good example, there's others though). In a game like that, if you've been playing a couple years and suddenly have to take a month off, it'd be pretty harsh indeed to be screwed over and have all your work smashed, so account sitters just ensure you stay around or a little above where you left it.
On here though, people don't have the power to destroy your account beyond stealing a little xp. So account sitters aren't really necessary, and would cause far more problems than they'd solve.
I know of games that have account sitters as well, and the main reason for an account sitter is in 'destructive' games, where other people can actively damage your account, and unless you log in daily, or at least every 2/3 days, your account will be ravaged (tribal wars is one good example, there's others though). In a game like that, if you've been playing a couple years and suddenly have to take a month off, it'd be pretty harsh indeed to be screwed over and have all your work smashed, so account sitters just ensure you stay around or a little above where you left it.
On here though, people don't have the power to destroy your account beyond stealing a little xp. So account sitters aren't really necessary, and would cause far more problems than they'd solve.
2008.Nov.15, 06:17 AM
LordSkie Wrote:he's clearly a new player, so cut him a little slack? No need to be outright rude like some are.
He's not new to gaming.
If you can't take some words, don't play the game. No one is threatening an extended hosp stay here.
2008.Nov.15, 06:42 AM
Obviously he's not new to gaming, but he's new to this game, so until he's been around a while I think it's fair to just give him a break, he's only putting across rules he's used to in other games.
And you weren't one of the ones attacking him anyway.
And you weren't one of the ones attacking him anyway.
2008.Nov.15, 08:30 AM
Kain you have to relise the yanks and the canadians are rude people not like us british people we are nice people :wink: 

2008.Nov.15, 08:54 AM
ahhhhh yea, I should have thought of that! 

2008.Nov.15, 08:55 AM
LordSkie Wrote:Obviously he's not new to gaming, but he's new to this game, so until he's been around a while I think it's fair to just give him a break, he's only putting across rules he's used to in other games.
And you weren't one of the ones attacking him anyway.
Actually I am pretty new to gaming. That other game, (Travian by the way) I only played for a few months to help out my friend wanted me to help in recruiting for his alliance. I am not a gamer really. And obviously I am pretty new to this game as well. Like I said at the beginning of this post, I started this as a discussion only, not cause I was actually asking for it to happen. I had a couple of friends that were interested in joining but are away on military missions for sections of the year, so for them they wanted to know if there was a way that someone could play their characters while they were unable to access the internet. I just wanted arguments to get them to join.
Kain, your argument is a good one, the actual consequences of being away are not as severe as in military games, and I guess too that if you are not too cheap/lazy to get a bank account, you can get farmed for more than XP, but even then you don't actually lose anything, versus in military games.
BoundbyHonor, like I was saying before, the intention here was not to help cheaters. But once again, I am a non-gamer, so the concept of someone cheating in a free (or almost free) game is crazy to me. But I am guessing by people's reactions that it happens often, or at least it has been tried often.
iHATEyou, first off you comment about yanks and brits is funny when compared to your name

2008.Nov.15, 08:59 AM
My name is for a special gang
i think they know who they are.