Completely support vets but I always hear mixed things about joining the military... I had a couple different friends who went to iraq seperately and both came back with horror stories that really messed them up mentally and then there was my bro who did his 4 years without going to iraq and was happy with the marines etc but ever since getting back he is FAR too worried about effeciency even in his personal life, he can hardly even sit down unless eating dinner anymore since he always has to be busy.
I also read a book called "The Lucifer Effect" that was quite interesting but disapointing on many levels reguarding the capacity even good people (everyone reading this included) has the capacity to do terrible things in certain situations when pressured by peers / superiors / duty to country etc.
Sorry to babel so much but it's an interesting topic and I'm curious what others have to say as well.

U.s. Army aug 1987 to Oct 2000
My heart goes out to my Brothers and sisters who still serve. God bless.
Ushanewnewba Wrote:Just serving is amazing, but giving your life, wow.... I feel today is not just about the who have served, served and died, but also the sacrifice the families have made in support of those serving.
The job of the military spouse is far more difficult than any job of a soldier/seaman/airman.
Wow T444e! you hit the nail right on the head. The military wife has a lot on her plate, and now today to worry if her husband will come home alive at the end of the month, year, 2years makes me glad I voted for a commander in chief that has a little greay matter working between his ears.
In Australia we call it rememerance day for our fallen diggers.
there is somthing I have alwayes liked about Australlia. It goes passed Mick Dundee, Olivia newton John, and Shannon Miller. I think it has to do with the true independent sperit that does not loose sight of where they came from, but adapts to where they are. God save the queen.
Aqualung451 Wrote:Wow T444e! you hit the nail right on the head. The military wife has a lot on her plate, and now today to worry if her husband will come home alive at the end of the month, year, 2years makes me glad I voted for a commander in chief that has a little greay matter working between his ears.
12 years of experience will teach you something. Like when you're over in the Sandbox for 18 months trying to talk on the phone with the wife and the phones shut off because of indirect fire or if she can hear the rounds going off in the background, its not easy on her. Neither is trying to raise a family when your gone 6-8 months out of the year.
Gotta love missing births, anniverseries, the kids first words/step, etc.
in my 12 years I watched all the guys come home to loved ones every time, and every time I sore if I could come home to a loved one I would never put her through the seperation again. One day, one beautifull day I came home to Ft. Stuart Ga. From a deployment and she was there. I married her a few days later, and was out a few months later. Only Problem was she was out to sea with the NAVY! LMAO! We are both out now for a few years. We have 2 wonderfull children and don't regret a moment of our time.....Well for me there was that one time In friedburg, I'm sure some of the Bandits might remember but otherwise I'm cool. Bandit Black Three-Seven Delta Out.
there were a few years ago when I was a crazy sombich and didn't giva a flip about tommorrow, but now that there are two little girls I try to watch what I say and try not to pick fights, but talk it out. It is amazing what little brown eyes and blonde curls can do to a hardened combat veteren. I'll not tell you about the new shower courtain. or the tooth brushes we all have. But The Taz is Mine!