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Full Version: March Referral Contest
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yup its r3coil.
so if everybody who's active gets one we can actually pass the record
drec92 Wrote:so if everybody who's active gets one we can actually pass the record

If everyone who is active got one, we'd destroy the record.
I think I'll get a few people from school to sign up...Spring break is coming up and I think that they will at least play during that week.
I'm trying, but I ain't pulling out 100 people. Neutral I don't even know I know that many people.
Ive sent it to everybody i know, so far no takers.
Some tips...

If you find voting sites we aren't already on, add us to them. Don't add in another entry if we are already there however, because it will split our votes. Just do a little search. I ask that if you do find some we aren't in that you revert the main link to just the plain website after March. Also, please inform me of the voting sites you added the site to.

Forums you can post a link in work, doesn't necessarily need to be a new post. Just your sig. In fact, I would suggest avoiding spamming random posts with your link, but adding your ref code to a signature on a forum you use a lot (not ours) can bring in one or two a month without you doing anything.

Craigslist for some reason works if you add your ref link to various sections of the site. We seem to get some from there every week. The posts don't last long, and if you make it an obvious ad you'll be flagged and removed quickly.

Then there is the obvious myspace/facebook type sites.
I started earier in the month this time...

I belong to a huge guild in fs but i dont want referrals that are gonna drive me batty...
Howlsong Wrote:I started earier in the month this time...

I belong to a huge guild in fs but i dont want referrals that are gonna drive me batty...
So give them my link. Smile
Howlsong Wrote:I started earier in the month this time...

I belong to a huge guild in fs but i dont want referrals that are gonna drive me batty...

What's fs?
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