Raf can you confirm this ?.
Swiss cheese is about as serious as clowns, SK..I'm kidding..
Meh some clowns are serious.
ShadowKid Wrote:Screwthis dumb comp no offense raf but you are being a money grabbing tat.
he he eh that wasent my idea and it look like lots people like it

Lots of people like the prize involved..I'm sure if 'it isn't a random number' was true, someone would have hit it by now..
I know the random number.I do. :wink: :wink: :wink:
why dont we all get one chance, closest amount of cash sent to your number wins?
Money is empowering, Warhammer..
because if everyone who is active guesses 10 amounts and they are all different then we would be guessing around 10% of the total variable numbers.
I.e we lose.Raf keeps the wins.
Could not place bets, wait until the last day for the last clue, and then start posting bets..But what fun would that be..?