Another unwritten rule; I win. =D
Weathers Wrote:despite his mildly disagreeable manner we should embrace him as the new generation of ALers.
Come and giver your uncle weathers a big hug!
Did I mention I have candy?
Weathers Wrote:Weathers Wrote:despite his mildly disagreeable manner we should embrace him as the new generation of ALers.
Come and giver your uncle weathers a big hug!
Did I mention I have candy?
Do you drive a beat up old van with no windows? :wink: :shock:

superdude Wrote:Do you drive a beat up old van with no windows? :wink: :shock: 
You mean the love wagon? Yeah, why?
ive had plenty of fun in the love wagon. dont diss it until you've been loved in it
THere's only one wagon, and it's the
Don't make useless thread, especially when you're new.
Do not make another thread to try and safe the face after making your first useless thread.
Dang, no need to hosp me just for making a post about this!
DocVet95 Wrote:Dang, no need to hosp me just for making a post about this!
Gotta agree with that.He must know your a nub!
meh, rules were meant to be broken.