2008.Nov.15, 03:16 PM
2008.Nov.15, 03:18 PM
I still got another hour and a halve in jail from you!
*Ignoring DirkDanja's rule haha*
*Ignoring DirkDanja's rule haha*
2008.Nov.15, 03:22 PM
but we just wrote them....
v., wrote (rÅt), writ·ten (rÄt'n) also writ (rÄt), writ·ing, writes.
1. To form (letters, words, or symbols) on a surface such as paper with an instrument such as a pen.
2. To spell: How do you write your name?
2. To form (letters or words) in cursive style.
3. To compose and set down, especially in literary or musical form: write a poem; write a prelude.
4. To draw up in legal form; draft: write a will.
5. To fill in or cover with writing: write a check; wrote five pages in an hour.
6. To express in writing; set down: write one's thoughts.
7. To communicate by correspondence: wrote that she was planning to visit.
8. To underwrite, as an insurance policy.
v., wrote (rÅt), writ·ten (rÄt'n) also writ (rÄt), writ·ing, writes.
1. To form (letters, words, or symbols) on a surface such as paper with an instrument such as a pen.
2. To spell: How do you write your name?
2. To form (letters or words) in cursive style.
3. To compose and set down, especially in literary or musical form: write a poem; write a prelude.
4. To draw up in legal form; draft: write a will.
5. To fill in or cover with writing: write a check; wrote five pages in an hour.
6. To express in writing; set down: write one's thoughts.
7. To communicate by correspondence: wrote that she was planning to visit.
8. To underwrite, as an insurance policy.
2008.Nov.15, 03:24 PM
iceman2020 Wrote:4. To draw up in legal form;Well a written rule follows this definition! :-D
2008.Nov.15, 03:24 PM
Don't harass other players from a pay phone in virginia.
2008.Nov.15, 03:24 PM
thatthingufear Wrote:Don't harass other players from a pay phone in virginia.:shock:

2008.Nov.15, 03:25 PM
thatthingufear Wrote:Don't harass other players from a pay phone in virginia.What? umm thats a little strange.. Don't think it needs to be added
2008.Nov.15, 03:34 PM
oh it definitely needs to be included
2008.Nov.15, 03:35 PM
DocVet95 Wrote:thatthingufear Wrote:Don't harass other players from a pay phone in virginia.What? umm thats a little strange.. Don't think it needs to be added
again proving how little you know.
Yep im in a bad mood tonight

2008.Nov.15, 03:38 PM
ShadowKid Wrote:You must obey no you dont have to obey if we obey the rules 24/7 then wow we have a boring game on our hand then dont we.
Ladies and gentleman, the always articulate, consistently coherent and indisputably intelligible, ShadowKid.