2009.Jan.11, 05:34 AM
2009.Jan.11, 05:46 AM
Ghosty Wrote:i got 1 in sub machine, 1 in miltary fort, and 1 in long bladed mele
It really depends bro. Basically choose a style of weapon you prefer. Long blade deals good damage in PvP but if fairly slow and It's awful in hideouts. The sub guns have a higher rate of fire and deals good damage in PvP but I don't know about hideout.
I choose short blade as it's really fast can deal good damage in PvP's. It's awful in hideout though.
2009.Jan.11, 05:46 AM
choose one primary weapon you would like
subs or long blade, your choice
skills help a LOT
subs or long blade, your choice
skills help a LOT
2009.Jan.11, 05:47 AM
whats the best, reasonabliy priced weapons, for sub and short blade??
2009.Jan.11, 05:58 AM
the more expensive the better
2009.Jan.11, 05:59 AM
geeez, so i need monies xD
2009.Jan.11, 01:21 PM
lol.... Fallen? do you have both Melee and Ranged Equipped?
I Used to go Axe/Shotty but meh.... i stick with with Melee Weapons i dont even have Ranged Equipped just slows me down i like to get up close n personal lol
kinda wished i dipped all my skill studying into Blunt now that i got this Hammer but my Axe skil is 3 Rank in almost, kinda stopped studying in it when i got this hammer lol
I Used to go Axe/Shotty but meh.... i stick with with Melee Weapons i dont even have Ranged Equipped just slows me down i like to get up close n personal lol
kinda wished i dipped all my skill studying into Blunt now that i got this Hammer but my Axe skil is 3 Rank in almost, kinda stopped studying in it when i got this hammer lol
2009.Jan.11, 02:55 PM
long bladed melee is down right brutal in hideout hits...if your in a warring gang i suggest and axe...i wish thats the way i would have went now...but you get some sweet pvp hits with a long bladed melee i hit over 500 yesterday...
2009.Jan.11, 03:22 PM
i cant afford two weapons, atm i am using nothing, so everyone go nuts, just remeber to stim me 

2009.Jan.11, 04:31 PM
check this Battle Out
Combatants DEaThCLiCk CrunchyBlack
Level During Fight 16 22
Starting Health 628 Healthy
Hits 8 10
Best Hit 289 140
Gang Points 0 0
Total Damage Received 774 1,466
Total Damage Resisted 407 170
Total Damage Taken 367 1,296
Damage Received Per Hit 77.40 183.25
Damage Resisted Per Hit 40.70 21.25
Actual Damage Taken Per Hit 36.70 162.00
Combatants DEaThCLiCk CrunchyBlack
Level During Fight 16 22
Starting Health 628 Healthy
Hits 8 10
Best Hit 289 140
Gang Points 0 0
Total Damage Received 774 1,466
Total Damage Resisted 407 170
Total Damage Taken 367 1,296
Damage Received Per Hit 77.40 183.25
Damage Resisted Per Hit 40.70 21.25
Actual Damage Taken Per Hit 36.70 162.00