Could it be possible to have items be purchased on the item market directly from your bank account no cash involved? that way you wont have to withdraw lots of cash to purchase an item.
Bah.. All this cashlessness.. when ever will folks carry cash for mugging?
Do fences and black market dealers accept AL VISA?
yea its better if you have to get cash out, otherwise money will never see the light of day.
BlitzKrieg Wrote:Do fences and black market dealers accept AL VISA?
is the Item market illegal?
Most of the Weapons on it are
This idea has its good points
Then there are flaws

your like a living breathing Yin and Yang SK lol
JaySin Wrote:Could it be possible to have items be purchased on the item market directly from your bank account no cash involved? that way you wont have to withdraw lots of cash to purchase an item.
If thats the case, I know many player will
accidentally brought items from the item market unknowingly.
I know I accidentally sold my house a while back. It kind of annoying.
There should be a question to ask, "Are you sure you want to sell your house" in the Estate Market.