08.October.8 - Do to a growing number of encumbrance system issues, your encumbrance capacity will now dictate the maximum amount of equipment you can carry. You can now only retrieve items from storage if they do not put you over your encumbrance capacity.
There ya go. No more over encumbrance.
this sucks, now i have to build up my str just to swap things around.
Well. No more people complaining about over-encumbrance.
mudpies Wrote:Good change.
I think it was your idea.
i like and i dont like...big government never works
hmm... are the current encumbered inactives going to be unencumbered by the new rules? If so, where does the extra equipment go? Storage?
At least 1 appears to be still encumbered...
Just curious as to if they are going to be scrubbed, or if the changes only apply to players who currently try to become encumbered.