buuddha Wrote:the lower the better.
take off all of your armor and everything except for your weapon. i noticed that when i did this and left myself like that for a few days, i really wasnt that bad.
why i am also not a big a** axe carrier, i hold a slightly lighter weapon, i noticed i still beat about 60-70% of the people i would usually overpower.
it left me to consider how a character would do using only the lightest weapons and armor with very little to none EP spent on resis but a lot of time studying on a certain weapon skill, evasion, acc, and dex.
based on how i performed with a high res and no armor to use it with, i think i could hold my own if all those dev points were in other stats.
Very Interesting Concept. When i had the Light Sabre i was told it is equivilent to the Ionized Axe. Howver it is so much lighter that i think maybe thats why i saw such substantial Crits in the 600's+ when with my E Axe at the time i was only seeing 300 Crits.
buuddha Wrote:the lower the better.
take off all of your armor and everything except for your weapon. i noticed that when i did this and left myself like that for a few days, i really wasnt that bad.
why i am also not a big a** axe carrier, i hold a slightly lighter weapon, i noticed i still beat about 60-70% of the people i would usually overpower.
it left me to consider how a character would do using only the lightest weapons and armor with very little to none EP spent on resis but a lot of time studying on a certain weapon skill, evasion, acc, and dex.
based on how i performed with a high res and no armor to use it with, i think i could hold my own if all those dev points were in other stats.
well, the purpose of the encumbrance when it was introduced was to see negative results if you had over more than 0.99/1.00. "the lower the better" concept just come into play afetr the defense skills were added, because it didnt matter if you had 0.98 or 0.10.
Now that we cannot encumber ourself(is there any waay to do it anymore?), the code should be removed, the code that affects combat/dodging abbilities, right?
Zen have stated that lower encumbrance does not affect hit rate or damage. As long as the encumbrance is under 1, you will be fine.
The skill evasion uses the encumbrance stats.
i disagree if you take off your armor and fight someone stronger it will be way more difficult for them to hit you
If you factor in the Evasion skill, then yes, you are on the spot.
If u don't have evasion, low encumbrance won't help you. You still can beat those you can beat. And, you still can not beat those you can not beat.
ZeonOne Wrote:Zen have stated that lower encumbrance does not affect hit rate or damage. As long as the encumbrance is under 1, you will be fine.
that is not true.
i was told personally by zen that you would have less "evasion points" of you had an encumbrance of .99 compared to .01
so there is a difference. if you dont believe me, try it. take off everything but your weapon for a few days but dont tell anyone. you will be amazed at how well you will fiight. i would also like to state this probably wont work with axes unless you have a very high dex and evasion skill.
zenith Wrote:The encumbrance effects only kick in when your rating is over 1. If it's below 1 then the code is ignored for simplicity.
Don't forget gang combat bonus, armor shielding, attack type, career bonuses, and the newly added gang protection option can all affect the outcome of a fight.
That's the quote from Zenith.
Here's the link.
I would like to try out your theory. But, I already have skill in combat evasion.
ok well your a little out of date. of course, i cant reproduce the personal message from which i quoted zen.
however, that thread that you posted was from march. while i cant find the thread about the addition of defensive skills for some reason (we all know that defensive skills came after offensive ones) this thread here shows that in April, skills were added to the game. So that means when the evasion skill was later added, something changed because evasion had to do something.
"Evasion is a measure of how well you can dodge incoming attacks. Dodging attacks with evasion requires a low encumbrance rate to take full use of your training. Most effective against skilled opponents."
As far as I know, if anyone have the evasion defensive skill, low encumbrance rate help to an extend. If they don't have evasion skill, there are no need to worry about encumbrance.
Maybe that's what you are referring to?
ok, i never said anything to zen about the evasion skill when i asked her.
i simply asked her would the be a difference in my hit rate if i had .01 encumbrance compared to .99 and she simply replied, you would have more evasion points with .01.
ok. thats it. thats what she told me, thats what i go by.
i have noticed that since equipping a heavier belt my hit rate has gone down, while my resistance is throught the roof, im still not hitting nearly as much without any armor.