It'd change from a sword to a blunt weapon.
haha thatd be cool

but yeah you should either make it into a long range weapon that you want to use, or a sword that your already good at. maybe you want to take up rifles?

Someone said rifles..I already had 007 nemesis golden gun in mind..And up came Saddam's golden AK-47..
or a high powerd sniper rifel that blows holes the size of shot gun bullets
I think the boys in Nemesis wouldn't mind having the guns named that.
I would not go into combat with a sniper rifle..If they are close enough to hit me, then they are close enough to interfere with my shots..

How bout a rail gun to equip on the gangs hideout
"for war purpose's only"
the Silver Lining
Item Type Gun (Rifle)
Legality Illegal
Availability Rating 0
Concealment Rating 4
Weight (kilograms) 4.0 kg
Standard Price $500,000
Trade-in Value $200,000
The Silver Lining was originally designed for only one use, however its accuracy and power could not be resisted, it fell into the wrong hands and has been lost for centuries until now. It has amazing stopping power and an amazing venting system to minimize recoil. It has silver inscriptions around it from its original owner and is fit for any type of combat.
any good?
well that wat long ranged weapons are for LONG RANGE, so they cant see you and you blow them away