2008.Dec.22, 10:39 PM
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2008.Dec.22, 10:42 PM
it's hurting......
2008.Dec.22, 10:42 PM
thatthingufear Wrote:SisterLynx Wrote:darn cry baby how many times did we help you and the couple of times we couldn't your gang turned into a bunch of cry baby girly girls. How come you couldn't help yourself. Could it be you had no one in your own gang to help you?Actually I was reffering to the time when VS started hosping us and you guys (except Ush) wouldn't do anything about it because you were to afraid of SV. And Ush we are doing great ran into a little trouble when we embarresed space wranglers by beating them in a gang war they declared, but its all fun now we get to feel like were part of the big hosp war to.
in case you guys arent sure why youre gettign hosp....its bc filthysaintmick made a deal proposal...to not hit your online guys during war...and you wouldnt hit our hideout. we stopped hitting you online....and next thing we know...our hideout is down - we were only half to begin with.
we may must have gotten had...or you broke a deal..either way...thats why you are there.
2008.Dec.22, 10:47 PM
FilthyMick is not our president nor an officer. That deal was never brought to any officers attention, and it also sounded like a proposal not an actoul deal to me. Maybe you should try making deals with people who are in a position to make one. Oh yeah in case you hadn't noticed.
2008.Dec.22, 10:48 PM
man we got war on all kinds of fronts tonight
2008.Dec.22, 10:48 PM
thatthingufear Wrote:FilthyMick is not our president nor an officer. That deal was never brought to any officers attention, and it also sounded like a proposal not an actoul deal to me. Maybe you should try making deals with people who are in a position to make one. Oh yeah in case you hadn't noticed.
ooohhhh this is gonna be a fun night.
2008.Dec.22, 10:49 PM
2008.Dec.22, 10:49 PM
OK I take the girly girl part back. lmao 8) Eighter your carring a big sack or just plane... Crazy.
2008.Dec.22, 10:49 PM
thatthingufear Wrote:Deal REGECTED!
2008.Dec.22, 10:52 PM
ID Name Level Minutes Reason
5757 SV Vagabond 35 296 Hospitalized by PapaNoel.
14948 ^V^ Preacher 27 245 Hospitalized by HowlyNightSirenNight.
14827 VS Deathwing 25 221 Hospitalized by CorradoKid.
7743 SV MeleKalikimaKat 51 215 Hospitalized by ALGod.
7338 SV Bullseye 27 203 Hospitalized by BurlIves.
17834 ^V^ CindyLouWho 28 202 Hospitalized by UnclePun.
24620 ^V^ JJLokisBlessings 18 200 Hospitalized by Heatmizer.
10244 }DIS{ SeasonsBeatings 39 195 Hospitalized by UnclePun.
4001 ^V^ Thorzten 28 193 Hospitalized by Ronin.
24649 ^V^ MWDianasGrove 17 181 Hospitalized by Ronin.
23112 SV FrdKngXmas 25 176 Hospitalized by CindyLouWho.
22174 SV BurgerMeister 26 175 Hospitalized by PapaNoel.
4344 ^V^ Hops 28 174 Hospitalized by Heatmizer.
20470 SV BlackMamba 27 173 Hospitalized by SeasonsBeatings.
19166 SV XmasOnHoth 25 173 Hospitalized by Druchii.
13243 }DIS{ SealClubber26 164 Hospitalized by ImInTheZoneChief.
8431 }DIS{ Behemoth 35 143 Hospitalized by vInDicaTed.
10893 ^V^ MistleCameltoe24 139 Hospitalized by NedFromAccounting.
19385 =187= CrazyFoley 24 137 Hospitalized by Conrad.
18298 SV EggNoggin 25 137 Hospitalized by CorradoKid.
5916 SV JollyOleSaintHit 36 135 Hospitalized by BurlIves.
21544 ^V^ PsYcHoTiC 25 131 Hospitalized by NedFromAccounting.
7868 ^V^ JollyOldSaintNick 33 129 Hospitalized by UnclePun.
27564 }DIS{ Pixey 15 123 Hospitalized by UnclePun.
5324 ^V^ MerryCthulhumas23 123 Hospitalized by vInDicaTed.
8313 ^V^ MrGrinch 27 117 Hospitalized by Heatmizer.
5914 =187= Elric 23 117 Hospitalized by BigWoolyMammoth.
22029 SV RabidChiaPet 24 116 Brutalized by CorradoKid.
22264 =187= Chade 25 115 Hospitalized by Conrad.
9659 }DIS{ JohnRambo40 108 Hospitalized by HowlyNightSirenNight.
18345 =187= reggie04321 106 Hospitalized by TrampledUnderFoot.
25974 -}DIS{- JingleBell 22 105 Hospitalized by Deathwing.
24802 }DIS{ BadLuck 26 105 Hospitalized by vInDicaTed.
27191 VS cheryljean 12 98 Hospitalized by CorradoKid.
15560 VS Troy 26 98 Hospitalized by CorradoKid.
12286 SV SmoovyTheMeatGazer 26 98 Hospitalized by BurlIves.
3194 ^V^ Frosty 31 93 Hospitalized by HowlyNightSirenNight.
15006 =187= FilthyOldSaintMick 25 92 Hospitalized by Conrad.
8811 SV WillyStoleYourGifts 21 92 Hospitalized by CindyLouWho.
26800 VS Rudolphawaytraindeer 11 91 Hospitalized by CorradoKid.
25189 ^V^ ALJesus 19 84 Hospitalized by Ronin.
20936 =187= jinglebombs 23 84 Hospitalized by BigWoolyMammoth.
20332 SV Jhiieri 24 79 Hospitalized by CorradoKid.
7539 SV BecTheHalls 30 76 Brutalized by CorradoKid.
26887 VS TheReaper 15 69 Hospitalized by PsYcHoTiC.
20641 SV ediblexmaspanties 25 67 Hospitalized by BurlIves.
2366 }DIS{ Druchii 42 62 Hospitalized by HowlyNightSirenNight.
9587 }DIS{ BIZZAROclause 29 60Hospitalized by GingerbreadHowse.
8835 Ju_dge MrBadMan 13 58 Hospitalized by Thor.
18192 ^V^ Behelit 21 57 Hospitalized by Ronin.
25393 =187= UncleDave 18 54 Hospitalized by Brugada.
23532 VS Clem 15 52 Hospitalized by CorradoKid.
4341 SV BishopSaysHoHoHoHo 40 52 Hospitalized by ALGod.
11703 }DIS{ Vixen 26 48 Hospitalized by Thor.
28229 VS CharlieBrown10 44 Hospitalized by QuasimodoLostControl.
9492 }DIS{ Kenard 21 43 Hospitalized by Heatmizer.
24064 =187= AntiAxelord19 40 Hospitalized by TrampledUnderFoot.
26136 TF babyjane 8 39 Hospitalized by ScrewedScrooge.
13317 -}DIS{- g0d15d3ad 14 38 Hospitalized by Deathwing.
22175 SV GingerbreadHowse 25 37 Hospitalized by BurlIves.
5673 SV vInDicaTed 40 37 Bit off more than they could chew with Druchii.
23224 =187= OneWeCallGod 15 35 Hospitalized by slits.
19462 }DIS{ TheGrinch 23 33 Hospitalized by Ronin.
14412 =187= devil 15 32 Hospitalized by BigWoolyMammoth.
5757 SV Vagabond 35 296 Hospitalized by PapaNoel.
14948 ^V^ Preacher 27 245 Hospitalized by HowlyNightSirenNight.
14827 VS Deathwing 25 221 Hospitalized by CorradoKid.
7743 SV MeleKalikimaKat 51 215 Hospitalized by ALGod.
7338 SV Bullseye 27 203 Hospitalized by BurlIves.
17834 ^V^ CindyLouWho 28 202 Hospitalized by UnclePun.
24620 ^V^ JJLokisBlessings 18 200 Hospitalized by Heatmizer.
10244 }DIS{ SeasonsBeatings 39 195 Hospitalized by UnclePun.
4001 ^V^ Thorzten 28 193 Hospitalized by Ronin.
24649 ^V^ MWDianasGrove 17 181 Hospitalized by Ronin.
23112 SV FrdKngXmas 25 176 Hospitalized by CindyLouWho.
22174 SV BurgerMeister 26 175 Hospitalized by PapaNoel.
4344 ^V^ Hops 28 174 Hospitalized by Heatmizer.
20470 SV BlackMamba 27 173 Hospitalized by SeasonsBeatings.
19166 SV XmasOnHoth 25 173 Hospitalized by Druchii.
13243 }DIS{ SealClubber26 164 Hospitalized by ImInTheZoneChief.
8431 }DIS{ Behemoth 35 143 Hospitalized by vInDicaTed.
10893 ^V^ MistleCameltoe24 139 Hospitalized by NedFromAccounting.
19385 =187= CrazyFoley 24 137 Hospitalized by Conrad.
18298 SV EggNoggin 25 137 Hospitalized by CorradoKid.
5916 SV JollyOleSaintHit 36 135 Hospitalized by BurlIves.
21544 ^V^ PsYcHoTiC 25 131 Hospitalized by NedFromAccounting.
7868 ^V^ JollyOldSaintNick 33 129 Hospitalized by UnclePun.
27564 }DIS{ Pixey 15 123 Hospitalized by UnclePun.
5324 ^V^ MerryCthulhumas23 123 Hospitalized by vInDicaTed.
8313 ^V^ MrGrinch 27 117 Hospitalized by Heatmizer.
5914 =187= Elric 23 117 Hospitalized by BigWoolyMammoth.
22029 SV RabidChiaPet 24 116 Brutalized by CorradoKid.
22264 =187= Chade 25 115 Hospitalized by Conrad.
9659 }DIS{ JohnRambo40 108 Hospitalized by HowlyNightSirenNight.
18345 =187= reggie04321 106 Hospitalized by TrampledUnderFoot.
25974 -}DIS{- JingleBell 22 105 Hospitalized by Deathwing.
24802 }DIS{ BadLuck 26 105 Hospitalized by vInDicaTed.
27191 VS cheryljean 12 98 Hospitalized by CorradoKid.
15560 VS Troy 26 98 Hospitalized by CorradoKid.
12286 SV SmoovyTheMeatGazer 26 98 Hospitalized by BurlIves.
3194 ^V^ Frosty 31 93 Hospitalized by HowlyNightSirenNight.
15006 =187= FilthyOldSaintMick 25 92 Hospitalized by Conrad.
8811 SV WillyStoleYourGifts 21 92 Hospitalized by CindyLouWho.
26800 VS Rudolphawaytraindeer 11 91 Hospitalized by CorradoKid.
25189 ^V^ ALJesus 19 84 Hospitalized by Ronin.
20936 =187= jinglebombs 23 84 Hospitalized by BigWoolyMammoth.
20332 SV Jhiieri 24 79 Hospitalized by CorradoKid.
7539 SV BecTheHalls 30 76 Brutalized by CorradoKid.
26887 VS TheReaper 15 69 Hospitalized by PsYcHoTiC.
20641 SV ediblexmaspanties 25 67 Hospitalized by BurlIves.
2366 }DIS{ Druchii 42 62 Hospitalized by HowlyNightSirenNight.
9587 }DIS{ BIZZAROclause 29 60Hospitalized by GingerbreadHowse.
8835 Ju_dge MrBadMan 13 58 Hospitalized by Thor.
18192 ^V^ Behelit 21 57 Hospitalized by Ronin.
25393 =187= UncleDave 18 54 Hospitalized by Brugada.
23532 VS Clem 15 52 Hospitalized by CorradoKid.
4341 SV BishopSaysHoHoHoHo 40 52 Hospitalized by ALGod.
11703 }DIS{ Vixen 26 48 Hospitalized by Thor.
28229 VS CharlieBrown10 44 Hospitalized by QuasimodoLostControl.
9492 }DIS{ Kenard 21 43 Hospitalized by Heatmizer.
24064 =187= AntiAxelord19 40 Hospitalized by TrampledUnderFoot.
26136 TF babyjane 8 39 Hospitalized by ScrewedScrooge.
13317 -}DIS{- g0d15d3ad 14 38 Hospitalized by Deathwing.
22175 SV GingerbreadHowse 25 37 Hospitalized by BurlIves.
5673 SV vInDicaTed 40 37 Bit off more than they could chew with Druchii.
23224 =187= OneWeCallGod 15 35 Hospitalized by slits.
19462 }DIS{ TheGrinch 23 33 Hospitalized by Ronin.
14412 =187= devil 15 32 Hospitalized by BigWoolyMammoth.