sounds like a way for him to pay for his prize...actually make money

Make the number between 1-5000. That way us chaep people can send you $1.
my idea is that wont be just random number that number will mean something
When does it start?
How many chances do I get?
What is the first clue?
Punisher Wrote:sounds like a way for him to pay for his prize...actually make money 
well my first idea for competition was that evry Villains is Zombie and goal is to hospitalize as much zombies as posible to win but i give up it becouse that wont so much fun for evryone
SisterLynx Wrote:When does it start?
How many chances do I get?
What is the first clue?
I hope today but i need to get response from Zenith first
is there a max limit?
can i send you 1,200,000$?
will you return the favor?
$2 for the pot, $1 for me.
I don't distrust Raf, but how is this money going be tracked? Multiple chances for errors.
events and i hope zenith will help to
To many events not enough space
But i'd still take a shot at winning a lvl 60 armor