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a more thought out take on my idea. i like it.

hmmm...i wonder where PREACHER got the idea for exorcisms

lol :shock:
If it can be done i think the zombie/ demon possession ideas would be awesome


buuddha Wrote:a more thought out take on my idea. i like it.

hmmm...i wonder where PREACHER got the idea for exorcisms

lol :shock:

I've seen him do one in real life. Very creepy. Preacher that is, not the exorcism.


the only fair stat i can see in this game is activity.maybe we should have some kind of activity contest.or a bravery contest.who can beat a the highest level above them.the idea of holding your own contest is great but very hard to come up with one fair to everyone.
i think best idea is the most atacks in 24 h and you can only attack 10 + players and i give prize to player who will get the most brave points and maybe to player who will be the most attacked


Think of a number.

Player sends you the AL cash equal to that number.

By the end of the day, whoever is closest wins.

Send Zen the number to keep it fair.

SisterLynx Wrote:Think of a number.

Player sends you the AL cash equal to that number.

By the end of the day, whoever is closest wins.

Send Zen the number to keep it fair.

i like it nice idea Smile
ok so i send number to zenith and winer will be the one who send me the right amont of cash and no refunds he he eh
competition will last for 4 days and evryday i will give one clue in forum to help gues numbe right
Player who gues right (or will be the closest will win the armor)
What do you think about that?
Rafallol Wrote:ok so i send number to zenith and winer will be the one who send me the right amont of cash and no refunds he he eh
competition will last for 4 days and evryday i will give one clue in forum to help gues numbe right
Player who gues right (or will be the closest will win the armor)
What do you think about that?

Sounds good, just dont make it a 6 figure sum lol
Not bad of an idea.

Here is something to think about.

Is this going to be a series of number? Like Lottery?


Just one single number?
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