Lately I've noticed I've been getting much more fails/jails on crimes I usually SMOKE!
You guys having similar experiences?
Did you level up recently? To me it always seems that I fail more crimes when I have just leveled up.
Actually, yeah... I'm on a bit of a leveling push right now.
This has been discussed many, many times over the years and Zen has flat out told us that there is no code for this to occur. I think we came to an agreement that this is most like confirmation bias. Hope that helps.
thatthingufear Wrote:Did you level up recently? To me it always seems that I fail more crimes when I have just leveled up.
Well I just leveled and have DEFINITELY gotten jailed more times since I leveled in the past few days then in the last month, positively.
I'll cite similar observations, shortly after character lvls, and possibly even after raising certain skill levels, I see fluctuations across the board in many game aspects.
i just leveled last night and the first crime i did after that i went to jail for.
It used to happen whenever I am just about to level, but it doesn't do it, anymore. If you're having that problem; Turn off AL and do something for an hour or so..Then, come back. =D Should help.
TommiTheTaco Wrote:It used to happen whenever I am just about to level, but it doesn't do it, anymore. If you're having that problem; Turn off AL and do something for an hour or so..Then, come back. =D Should help.

Where have I heard something about crimes failing more before?
I recently had a string where I succeeded 94% or more 3 days in a row on insurance fraud. I call foul.