i wouldnt have it any other way.
Friends: 51
Enemies: 53
Con your lacking in the enemy department.
DustiWoot Wrote:Same here. I've only had one negative run in with a player and that was when I was brand spankin new. lol
I have heard that some people don't like or "get" my sense of humor, though. *shrugs* Whatever.
Your enemys are only those who farm you for points......
The funny thing is no one really farms me for points. Or hits me for exp. I can name on one hand the people that usually hit me in wars. Actually, i can name 3.
lol ive gained 2 enemies since starting this thread
Friends: 56
Enemies: 30
dude i had 60 friends like 3 days ago.
how the hell did i lose 4 friends?!?!?!
like i said before though...im talking people who have added YOU to THEIR list.
Add a
58 people have added you to their list.
Add an
54 people have added you to their list.
pretty close...

one day i had like 26 enemies now im down to 14
i guess players realize im a cool ass guy
lol, back when you started you were definitely on my enemies list