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Full Version: RC: Has more enemies than friends
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id be really curious to know who my enemies were...i have a couple ideas but no way can i account for all 27
Same here. I've only had one negative run in with a player and that was when I was brand spankin new. lol

I have heard that some people don't like or "get" my sense of humor, though. *shrugs* Whatever.
Friends: 17
Enemies: 16

I know about 13 of enemies. Half of them use me for exp the other half just dislike me. Biggrin

But all 17 friends like me.
I'd also like to know who has added me as an enemy. My personal enemies list changes as I advance or they advance. Usually more of a exp hit list. Think i got a good idea who a few of them are though... Biggrin


Go go gadget enemies list
[Image: go_go_gadget.jpg]


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Dont know who the enemies are, dont really care. I know some of the people who've added as friends.


I know most of my enemies and i know most of my Friends.

Good times Biggrin


friends- 8
Enemies- 167

What do I win?
another hospitalization lol
lol Biggrin
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