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Full Version: There comes a time for a regular AL citizen...
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Where donating a 20$ won't get him the next house OR the next endurance lvl.

Most high donators lived through it already. Us poor people see that fay as the beginning of the armagedon.

Asking long time players about this one (or just brilliant / math attuned people)

Wich is better?

Endurance up first, or that damn ranch?


Yeah I hit that point and it sucks, I don't want to hit that 100$ link but it seems like that's what I have to do in order to get a couple more end levels, or a midlan estate.


just save money and dont spend... at all


just refer some1 who has alot of money. I havent donated a penny


This game can get stooped expensive if you want to keep up with the Joneses


upgrade you house when you have the money

they hold their value and sometimes grow
At high level, housing come first before endurance.

+100 happiness is roughly to 3 endurance in gym train.

Use your math to calculate which one benefit you in the long run.


after the ranch, End is the better bet


im trying to aim for the midlan villa before i try to level my endurance any higher.


Midlan villa doesn't help you reach the END requirements for the best weapons.
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