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Full Version: upgrade your house without buying a new one.
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strt182 Wrote:I kinda like the idea of dealing with contractors as they could rip you off. Its a chance you take just like in todays world. I have recently added 1130+ sq. feet to my real house ,not nearly done yet but all framed in and weather tight. I have 20k in it and a bit of beer and good help from family , one year time. 50kl is what the contractors wanted.

your easily going to spend more than 30k in beer.

should have gone with the contractors, they bring their own beer.


Cant we have a brothel in the explore section too :shock: That would raise anyone's happiness
Until they got crabs..Or AIDS..Then, someone'd have to choke a beotch.


Ha you could go to the brothel and catch crabs! In hospital for 132 mins. Got crabs from an ole slapper hahahaha
I don't know. It's scary. You can end up like these

[Image: the_money_pit.jpg]


im down sounds good 2 me
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