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Full Version: Most Honorable player in the game
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I voted Raf. hes put alot of effort into AL and he hasn't retired yet have to give the guy alot of credit.


what does that have to do with being honorable?


there is so many honorable players n this game, really to many to name,each is honorable in thier own way, either their word,protection or any combanation of things,hats off to all those named and not named
shadowinc Wrote:there is so many honorable players n this game, really to many to name,each is honorable in thier own way, either their word,protection or any combanation of things,hats off to all those named and not named
thanks bro! :wink:


falkon Wrote:
shadowinc Wrote:there is so many honorable players n this game, really to many to name,each is honorable in thier own way, either their word,protection or any combanation of things,hats off to all those named and not named
thanks bro! :wink:

and no your not one of them :shock:
its an rpg where you are biting your nails waiting for a refresh every 5 minutes. what is honorable about that?


emocakes Wrote:its an rpg where you are biting your nails waiting for a refresh every 5 minutes. what is honorable about that?

a players actions and how a player interacts with other players,this is not a game that you just click and go, it is more than tht, i know i have meet some great freinds here, even some that other players think i hate, i talk to in real life, so if you think it is just a click and go , you will not make it far in al
exactly what SG said
AL is a way of life so show it the proper respect Twisted
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